It gets me thinking about the diversity of birds and life in general there are about six or seven different types of Currawongs depending where and how they live, then Magpies, Butcher Birds, Ravens and on and on its is amazing the diversity and prolific density of life. What was God thinking of when he made all this...?
I go out to the thinking chair to ponder this for a while...a beetle crawls across a flower stem...J. B. S Haldane the famous British naturalist once said when speaking about God:
"He has an inordinate fondness for beetles." Indeed, the world contains over 300,000 species of beetles."
My thoughts are interrupted by Bogey time to play ball, I say.
"Later Bogey" he drops the ball at my feet.
"You know Bogey there are over 300,000 species of Beetles in the World"
Bogey wags his tail.
"I'm not gunna get any sense out of you today."
I pick up the ball, throw it listlessly towards the chook pen, the chooks squawk and jump in fright.
These descendants of dinosaurs cower in the back of the pen, Bogey retrieves the ball, lays it at my feet.
"Why did the dinosaurs go extinct Bogey?"
Bogey wags his tail, I pick the ball up...
Life is amazing...worth writing a book about.
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