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Kiss of the King Brown
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Thursday, August 15

The Magic Gorilla

Magic Gorilla

Having worked in radiography for a large portion of my life and seeing their first hand the importance of seeing things as they are.  It is surprising to note that we do not!  Part of a radiographers  skill is seeing information on an image and then responding accordingly. But what we see does not necessarily relate to what is there. It is hard to explain this but if we are in overload and if we are receiving a huge amount of information our brains filter out what it deems is unimportant. Have a look at the following YouTube video it explains it handsomely.

If you do not believe that then watch this famous video.

  • This has an impact on all areas of our lives:
  • What you see is not necessarily what is there.
  • What you do is not necessarily noticed by those you thing who do.

  • What others do is not necessarily what they are doing.Don let me go ♥ | via Facebook
  • Magicians have long known about this phenomena.
  • What others say happened is not necessarily so.
  • Driving cars and texting or I phoning is inherently dangerous.
  • Cluttered work interfaces with lots of distractions can lead to errors. (Computer input screens and data entry)
  • Instrumentation needs to be well designed and preclude distractions. (Flashing lights, blinking readings etc.)
  • Delicate work situations need a sensitive environment.
  • Police work and interviewing has just got a lot harder.
  • Multi-Tasking in some situations is potentially dangerous.
  • Overloaded people are more prone to make mistakes caused by Inattentional Blindness.

Inattentional blindness is the failure to notice an unexpected stimulus that is in one's field of vision when other attention-demanding tasks are being performed. It is categorised as an attentional error and is not associated with any vision deficits. This typically happens because humans are overloaded with stimuli, and it is impossible to pay attention to all stimuli in ones environment. This is due to the fact that they are unaware of the unattended stimuli. Inattentional blindness also has an effect on people’s perception.

Cognitive capture or, cognitive tunneling, is an Inattentional blindness phenomenon in which the observer is too focused on instrumentation, task at hand, internal thought, etc. and not on the present environment. For example, while driving, if the driver is focused on the speedometer and not on the road, they are suffering from cognitive capture.

Next time someone tells you he just did not see:
  • that post as he hurtled towards it while answering a call,
  • that blond in the bikini while he was examining the latest fishing magazine,
  • that instruction note on the computer screen while he was directing five students,
  • that massive tumour on an image while he was noticing the massive fracture adjacent,
  • that hot air balloon while he is counting yellow bellied parrots
He is probably telling the truth. He may be a victim of “The Magic Gorilla”. (Inattentional Blindness)

Getting back to Radiology in a famous study over eighty percent of Radiologists did not pick up a gorilla superimposed on a lungscan.
Lung scan- spot the Gorilla
I fly fish a lot I love when I am out on the river I see nothing else I think of nothing else, I know then I can be and am a victim and beneficiary of Inattentional Blindness.
Writing has the same effect when you are in the zone nothing else can be seen except the word pictures pouring onto the computer screen or page.

The key to Innattentional Blindness is the instructions you give someone or you are under and the mission your brain and you are on. If you are not looking for a gorilla you probably won't find it!
Think carefully about what you tell people to search for and to concentrate on, be aware that distractions and frenetic activity lead to Inattentional Blindness.
 Your brain acts as a filter and a censor-what your eyes are seeing is not necessarily what your brain lets you see.
Take care.


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