Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Thursday, October 2

Do you fear difference you?

In this new age of fear in some part bought on and exploited by our Government at the moment and governments in general.  It is important for us to remember that we are all susceptible to xenophobia (X-the fear of difference) it is as though X is ingrained into our DNA. That governments, shock jocks, journalists and fanatics
exploit this factor is no surprise. The surprise is that so many people succumb to it again and again.

Try this excerpt from an Andrew Bolt Column


A Christian school in Sydney’s west has reported death threats aimed at Christians this week.

The principal of the Maronite College of the Holy Family in Harris Park told police that men made the threats from a car outside the school about 2pm on Tuesday.

Sister Margaret Ghosn said the threats were general and then directed towards a staff member of the school.

“They said, ‘We are going to kill all of you here,’ “Sister Margaret said.  “They were threatening to kill all Christians."…

Witnesses told police a small triangular flag was placed out the window with Arabic words similar to “there is only one god and Muhammad is the prophet”. 


Remember this, just three weeks ago?

A Labor senator has accused Prime Minister Tony Abbott of “scaremongering” over national security…

Asked whether she was trying to politicize the national security debate, Senator [Sue] Lines said, “I’m not politicizing security; the Abbott government is doing that by its constant scaremongering”.


A SERIES of anti-terrorism raids were sparked by intelligence reports that Islamic State supporters were planning a public execution in Australia, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says…

“The exhortations, quite direct exhortations, were coming from an Australian who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country,” the Prime Minister told reporters.

“So this is not just suspicion, this is intent and that’s why the police and security agencies decided to act in the way they have.”

NSW Police will allege that some of the Sydney men arrested in the operation had communicated with the Islamic State organisation while developing their alleged plan to seize a random member of the public and behead them live on camera.

The details:

ONE of the Sydney men accused of planning to seize a member of the public to behead live on camera was motivated by “an unusual level of fanaticism”, a Sydney court has heard. …….”

And so on …

It is though we have never studied history and it’s never ending round of persecutions, genocide, intolerance, bigotry and hate.

But why are we intolerant of difference and is it a given that humans will never be tolerant and be able to live side by side in peace? Adam Alter in his great book Drunk Tank Pink gives us an insight into some of this mystery and it is worth a read if you want to get a handle on the issue.

It seems that we are almost programmed to discriminate if not openly than on an overt level. We are primed to prejudice on an almost constant basis even unwittingly.

This is a short excerpt from:  Global Nation-Xenophobia's Evolutionary Roots


“Sort of bred into the primate line is that you belong to a group and you don't necessarily like outsiders,", Tech & Environment

It also has some interesting facts on the issue.


Augustine Brannigan writes this :

Abstract       Criminology and the Holocaust: Xenophobia, Evolution, and Genocide


“Modern theories of crime and delinquency tend to be individualistic in their level of analysis and tend to focus on consensus crimes. The phenomenon of ethnic genocide is virtually impossible to examine within such parameters. Recent histories of the Holocaust by Browning and Goldhagen suggest that it was carried out by ordinary citizens who supported its objectives, not by dysfunctional psychopaths. Nor was it carried out by individuals intimidated by powerful authority structures…”


In the USA…In one experiment participants were shown pictures of black and white faces. The ones primed with the black faces were more likely to perceive objects of crime and believe crime was a problem than those who were primed with white faces!

A stereotypical black man is 33% more likely to receive the death penalty for murder than a non-stereotypical black man!

Prejudices of course are a survival instinct from our evolutionary past in that those who were different from us are more likely to be a danger. But the human animal has added a layer of cultural prejudice that goes well beyond physical, or colour differences. Differences in speech, dress, behaviour, religion, food, and a myriad of other social traits have the ability of affecting and influencing our judgement.

Alter goes on to list a plethora of colours, situations, smells, sights, behaviours, symbols, weather even just the location we are in which affects us and changes our behaviour sometimes very subtlety. It is a fascinating subject and one that we should be aware of. The million dollar question of course is what are we as an individual going to do about it.?

Awareness is the first big one be aware that you are the sum total of millions of decisions and circumstances not only that you have made but that your family and descendants have made over thousands /millions of years. This has created you as you are at this moment a seething mass of contradictions, opinions and prejudice.

Walk softly in this world understand that difference and diversity is not a negative but a positive force for good and creativity. The great and good societies are open and welcoming to all, through this they become dynamic and successful.

Education is the cornerstone of an enlightened view. Not formal or structured education but the embrace of knowledge, history, science, religion (Any discipline you like) and interchange with “others.” This is a counter to those prejudices that lurk within.

Walk in my shoes” spend time with those who are “different” you will be surprised how similar they are to you. Same fears, hopes, joys, sorrows, feelings…

Know that you are not perfect that you have all the weaknesses of a person and all the potential of an angel. Treat others the same as you would want to be treated. (Jesus)

Love Ya …John…

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