Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Tuesday, December 22

Once a Upon a time In OZ

Once a Upon a time In OZ#

Straight Lines/Happy Christmas

It's a magical place where blokes can go fishing with their mates have a tinny while cruising in their tinny.

It's a place where they can take the mickey out of their mates while telling a few porkies but always with good intent toward that bastard who you have an inclination to share a few with.

It's a place where Christmas is a hot as the chilly you put on your prawns as you tell

 furthies around the barbie.

It's a place where shielas are sheilas blokes are blokes and segregation of the sexes happens automatically despite all the intentions of the political correctness machine.

It's a place where you can still see a sunrise unmarked by the smudge of pollution, where an horizon stretches away for ever and the promise of tomorrow is as good as you want to make it.

It's a place where all are welcome and where the handshake of friendship still means something.

It's a place where the moguls of enterprise have not yet conquered a fair go for all.

It's a place where dreams come true to those who are willing to "havago".

It's a place where the beaches stretch for ever and our cossies are wet in December.

It's a place where the rivers run dry and the trees grow around them like knarled beaten old men.

It's a place where neighbours stand at the fence and share their stories, where strangers say G'day.

It's a place where doors are left open, gates are an entrance not a barrier and where intent depends on your actions not on who you are.

It's a place where family is sacred , the old, weak, unfortunate and unwanted are cared for and where community service is the norm not the exception.

It's my place and I love it.

Happy Christmas and Thanks Australia.

PS. For those form faraway who need a translation of the slang drop me a line or look up the Macquarie dictionary Word Map.

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