Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Monday, April 6

Diary of a Cardiac Patient...

Diary of a Cardiac Patient

It crushes you like a nut in a vice, it sucks out all your air, you feel like a sucked  lemon, your skin is like a used chamois...But, mostly it is the fear in the core of your being and gripping you in its arms that your pump, that reassuring background music of your life.... Ka boom, ka boom, ka going to stop forever....and then their is the pain like someone one has punched you in the chest and left you deeply bruised and in agony which radiates out like a malevolent web into your arm, shoulder back and jaw...Then after is the fatigue which smothers like a wet blanket weighing you down so you just want to lie down and blank out,  your mind is scrambled and confused for a day afterwards meaning nothing meaningful makes sense or can be done...
That what it is like for me...

At to my own situation it is still in flux!
Since going into hospital as an emergency admission on the 6th of March I have had a number of procedures and examinations. I have had two PCIs interventions which failed and have to go back again. The problem with my heart is still patent but is now well mapped, documented and a resolution is possible. I  came home to on the 19th of March with suitable medication and supervision and like a lot of people into self isolation strict isolation.I have had another emergency admission on the 30th of march for two days and was stabilized again.
I am booked into another procedure Per-cutaneous Coronal Intervention (PCI) in the near future, which hopefully will go ahead despite Covid-19. It not a good time to be sick in Australia! Hopefully this final procedure will resolve my problem.
This explains why I was getting tired last year...

Thank you to my Maureen, my family, my doctor Robert Power, Kyneton Ambulance,  and the medical and ancillary staff of the Royal Melbourne  and Melbourne Private Hospitals including Cardiologist Dr Matt Brookes..

Take care in these daunting times...

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