Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Tuesday, August 14

Sixty Years

Sixty Years

My speeches are recorded in note form, this is not verbatim and is an abbreviated edition.

Excerpt of Speech at sixtieth birthday party given on 4 of August 2012


Remember members of our families not here.

Remember our forefathers

A few weeks ago I met a person I had not seen for 33 years. As soon as we talked I knew I had known this person before, even though the worry lines, stooped shoulders, dull eyes and worry lines scarred a once pretty face. As she talked and I heard about divorce, family worries, financial worries and an almost completely negative narrative. The girl she had been; fresh, vibrant, confident and full of sparkle just starting on her life kept flashing through my mind. I was very much saddened by this and dwelled on the encounter for many days.

As this birthday was coming up it made me think of my situation and if I had an encounter with someone who had not met me for many years, what would they see, what would they hear, what would they think?

As Yeats said:

                The years like great black oxen tread the world and God, the herdsman goads them on behind and I am broken by their passing feet…

Twin brother Peter and Myself
Would they see the joy of family?

First my mum and dad Alice and Jimmy and my four brothers Robert, Peter and Gary in country Victoria.

Then My Stepfather Bill and Sister Mary-Lou in Bendigo.

Finally my own family Maureen and daughters Alison, Janice, Angela and Katy travelling all over and finally settling in Kyneton.

Later we were joined by sons in laws; Matt, James and George. And lately a potential candidate in TK.

Later again we added grandchildren; Terry, Ebony, Hannah, Lilly, Denver, Josef and Marlee.

I have always been surrounded by family who loved me and who cared for me. The feature of my family life all through has been the strong women who have always been there from my Mother, Aunties, Wife and Daughters they have always been powerful influences on my life. When I think of family I think happy.

Would they see the sadness of early deaths and departures?

Dad died when I was seven, Mums mother had died when she was two and she carried that, and she nursed her dad when he died at age sixty two, stepfather Bill when he was seventy, Brother Gary when he was forty eight. Mum suffered from early onset Alzheimer’s disease. It made me think that I would never make forty let alone then sixty.

Or would they see someone that because of his experiences values every second and every person he meets, and the time spent with them as the most valuable thing in the world.

Would they see someone who has shared a great love?

It is not everyone who can claim to have been loved unreservedly, wholeheartedly, sometimes undeservedly by another person. But with Maureen as my partner, friend, lover and spouse this has been my fortunate lot. She has given me the greatest gift LOVE.

Would they see someone who has lived his dream at work and play?

Sheetmetal worker, welder, Soldier, Lay Missionary, Jack of all Trades, Businessman, Radiographer and now at the Northern.

Thanked the people from the Northern who attended.

Been involved in the community through various groups including Rotary (Thanks Rotarians present) and lives in the best town in the World. (Thanks people from Kyneton)

Who has played at music, reading, fishing, gardening, traveling all over the world and Australia and writing and enjoyed it all immensely.

Would they see someone who lives in the greatest place on Earth?

Living in the greatest countries, at a most fortunate and interesting time has been a blessing to me and my generation. Kyneton…Victoria…Australia…

Would they see someone who tries to understand?

What is life, God, the Universe, who are we what are we, why are we…musing over it for the last few years has resulted in the writing of the Kiss of The king Brown. The searching goes on…


We are all shaped by our family, life, love, God, the times, Country, and circumstance.

The Buddha said:

“It is better to have travelled well then to arrive”

I have not arrived yet and I have been fortunate in that my travels have been blessed with good companions enabling me to live life to the full. Thank you for being part of my journey.

Given at the Bowling Club of Kyneton 4.8.2012

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