Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Tuesday, September 25

What makes us Different?

Writing a new chapter in my book "Daughters" I want to write about how we are so individual but in so doing I have to recognise how we are so alike. 
I have thought about this for some time and make up a long long list of "sameness"...

Let us have a look at the things that make us the same:

Well we look alike; two arms, two legs, two eyes a head… you get the drift.

We walk upright most of the time, except when illness drugs or both lay us low.

We all are descended from a common ancestor whether you believe it was Adam and Eve or some primeval slime is a matter of opinion.

 We all like to group in similar cultures, peoples or interest groups: We do not trust those who are different.

We all talk:      Talking well is one of the most admired attributes in all cultures. Its brother, listening is not as well recognised.
It goes on for about two pages or so.
But what makes us different besides the obvious variations of size, colour, sex, etc
So far in my meanderings I figure it is two main attributes that sets us apart:
The debate I am having with myself  (it is not new) is whether it is nature or nurture, genes or enviroment. I find it hard to believe that you cannot improve your intelligence. But then are you improving your intelligence because you are smart or are you smart becuse you can improve your intelligence.
Then on personality the great five pillars of modern physcology are up for debate:
Are you born hard wired into a certain personality and you cannot get out, or are you able to change and adapt as experince grabs you and molds you?
I even took a test at;
Anyway am enjoying the debate even if it is mostly with myself...

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