Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Thursday, September 20

Through the Halucenagenic Haze

Undergoing some minor surgery lately and recovering in hospital it is amazing what effect opiates have on your tongue and mind patterns.

I was in a double room and my room mate had endured similar surgery.  That evening we had a most wonderful discussion on the state of Victoria, Australia and indeed the World. Problems were solved  grievance easily overcome. Through the lens of the barbiturate all seemed curable.  The morning after the exact verbiage of our wordage was not quite within our grasp. But the glow of that conversation still lingers.

Coming home struggling with recuperation and recovery but having time to write, the words flowed freely and very easily although my attention span seemed very short. As I revisited the text as you must to pick up the flow and to make adjustments, it found me wondering "What in the hell is going on here". It was not that the words were not beautiful or meaningful.  Some of the passages I thought very pretty, but they were mangled: tenses mixed, phrases butchered, content missing, characters misplaced ...It was interesting to go back and rearrange, I must admit some was not up to rearranging.

Now I am back into it I hope this Blog is not to garbled or needs rearranging too much.

It is interesting the mind is like an onion and certain substances peel the layers away.

I am writing a short Non Fiction Book called;

Daughters Seven Things I have to tell you before I Die

Here is a quote out of the chapter called Relationships.

"If friendship were a cake it would be a trifle not a sponge. Wildly mixed with little thought to recipe and a bit of spirit in it."

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