Just visited
Vietnam and Cambodia to some research on sequel to “The Kiss”. I was amazed by a lot of things but these stood out:
How young
the population was in comparison to Australia’s.
How dynamic
the countries were.
beautiful the people were.
How resourceful
they are using everything.
How crowded
compared to Australia it is.
disparity in wealth.
How little
evidence was left from the war.
How little
resentment there is.
It is so easy to forget, how can a people
suffer so much and not be eternally traumatised? (See below for statistics)
from genetic and biological
deformities to people being killed and
maimed on a daily basis, the war still continues for many Vietnamese today.
I cannot
even pretend to understand the suffering that these people have and continue to
endure. It is past comprehension and is something I will ponder on for a long,
long time.
Duration: August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975.
US Forces
Killed in Action 47,378 1
Wiounded in action 304,704 2
Missing in action 2,338 3
Captured 766
Army Republic
Killed in Action 223,748
South Korea
Killed in
Action 4,407
Wounded in
Action 17,060

Killed in Action 469
Wounded in Action 2,940
Killed in
Action 351
Wounded in
Action 1,358
New Zealand
Killed in Action 55
Wounded in action 212
North Vietnamese Army/Viet Cong
Killed in
Action 1,100,000
Wounded in Action 600,000
Captured 26,000
dropped by US forces 6,727,084 tons bombs (Three times amount in WW2)
Millions of
landmines and unexploded bombs that at the current rate of clearance will take
300 years to clean up.
acres of Vietnam was sprayed with 19 million gallons of Defoliants, the effects
will last 100 years.
What was
Agent Orange?
Agent Orange
was a herbicide developed for military use. Chemically, the product was a 50/50
mix of two herbicides, 2,4,-D (2,4, dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 2,4,5-T
(2,4,5 trichlorophenoxyacetic acid). These herbicides were both developed as
weed killers in the 1940's, and were effective against broad leaf plants and
several crops.
Why did the
military use herbicides?
were developed to be deployed in enemy areas to deny cover and concealment to
the enemy. In dense terrain particularly, the use of herbicides to destroy
covering vegetation was to protect American and allied troops from ambush or
other undetected movement of the enemy.
The US spent
$352(US) Billion Dollars on the war. No one knows the cost from the other
nations involved, and the Russians, Chinese and Eastern Block who supported the
North Vietnamese.
Vietnam a history
of war.
From our
current vantage point, there is little doubt that Vietnam has suffered
tragedies of the twentieth century, especially of war, more than most
The normal privations of colonialism were accentuated during
World War
II, when bad harvests combined with the export of rice to Japan
led to a
massive famine that is reputed to have taken between 400,000
2,000,000 lives in the Red River Delta during the winter of 1944-45
(Long 1973:
130-133; Woodside 1976: 159). From 1946 to 1954, the war
independence from the French took a large but unknown number of
military and
civilian casualties-perhaps up to a half-million dead and one
wounded (Harrison 1989: 124). Warfare was soon resumed at even
more deadly
levels with the replacement of the French colonial army by
forces from the United States and other countries. Between 1965
and 1975,
the escalation of the war reached its peak with the presence of
more than a
half-million American soldiers and massive aerial bombing
that traumatised the world (Harrison 1993).
Jesus Let the little children come to me, for such are the kingdom of God...
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