Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Monday, January 26

The Wedding Speech

The Wedding Speech


My Daughter Katy (4th daughter) was married to Tana Kiak last Saturday. (24th of January 2015) A Beautiful, lovely wedding. Here is my speech (Father of the Bride) a tribute to them.


Thank you Jess (MC)

Before I start we must remember those who were here before us. (Koori People)

We also must remember our people those who have made this country great and who have made us as we are.

We remember especially Katy’s grandparents Harry, Bill, (Step Grandparent) Alice and Jimmy.

It is with sadness we also think of and remember our brother Gary and sisters Debby and Coral who have been taken from us.

All of these people are here because of you, there spirit and being resides among and within you.


We also should acknowledge Katy's grandmother Mary who is here tonight with Aunty Margaret. mary is a special member of our family and we love her dearly.

(Greeting-Pidgin English Papua New Guinea)

Halo ol meri na mon na pikanni.

Gut welkam long wedding belong na Katy and Tana.

Goodfella long lookum yotopella lepan na Lyn, na Gwenda, na Jonathon, na family.

Long  Papua New Guinea.

Long beautiful Kyneton.

Hannamash long lookum yoopla.


Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, and children welcome to Katy’s and TK’s wedding, in beautiful Kyneton.

A special welcome to Tana’s family Lyn, (Mother) Lepan, (Father) Gwenda,(Aunty) Jonathon, (Uncle) family and friends from Papua New Guinea.

Have a good time.

A Daughter

A daughter is a wonderful thing for a father! The soft gentle side of creation greets you in form and thought and makes you think, this is how creation was supposed to be. The creator God must be a woman to make things thus, this is my Daughters.

But Katy backs up this gentle side up with great strength and underlying steel for she is descended from a long line of strong women on both sides of her family. The Condliffe, Broadways, FitzGerald’s, Cox’s, Healy’s, Coma’s and Monegeetta’s.

Being the forth daughter traditionally you would think that she was the protected, closeted one, the pet of the family. But this is not Katy when I think of her I think of someone who is like the bottom of a triangle. She is the one who has often held us up and carried us with her character and strength.



Katy is special in that she thinks of family not in terms of flesh and blood. No….no much more than this to her family is mystical and transcends all. This is why she does not see race, religion, colour of culture. She just see family and loves them as they are.


Katy is caring, empathic, a peacemaker who goes about her life very quietly and efficiently she is very smooth. There is no fuss, just the quiet process of achievement and progress.

If Katy was an aeroplane she would often fly under the radar!


Not because she cannot reach the highest heights but because she is often carrying the heaviest loads.


Katy always wanted to be a nurse! My first memories of her are of her nursing her sisters, neighbours, cabbage patch dolls, friends and family. In fact anyone or thing that came her way. Her single minded obsession was to train and to be a nurse.

It has been a privilege afforded to few fathers to work professionally with one’s daughter. But I have seen her perform in one of the major hospitals in Melbourne. Her depth of knowledge, expertise and technical knowhow coupled worth her willingness to go the extra mile is something I will never forget.

It is beautiful to see a great nurse at work and Katy is certainly one of those.


Katy has always been driven by something further than the normal. Always her profession was a vehicle for greater things.

She has always wanted to change her world!

To make things better!

Not for her the suburban house with a pot plant out the front!

No she wanted to make a difference whether that was around the corner, the next suburb or the other side of the world.

From her early days she travelled extensively to Northern Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Kenya. Meanwhile honing her skills and gaining new ones. She started Nurses in Action in Kenya and she is a Nurse in Action.


It is said you can tell a person by her friends!


If you have a look around at those here tonight you can easily tell the quality, caring, lovely and great people they are. Which of course are the very values that Katy espouses.  You  reflect her passions, cares, interests, and values.

You are part of her journey many of you since her earliest years, and you are her story as well.

Tana (TK)

I started to pick up rumours of a mysterious bloke /doctor from Papua New Guinea a few years ago. A doctor/gynaecologist who spoke many languages.

Three years ago Katy travelled to China where TK was studying and I knew things were getting interesting!

Than TK stopped in Kyneton on completion of his studies and I knew he had not come to see me! Things were really serious.

If you meet TK you cannot help but like him; quiet, humble, generous, knowledgeable, enquiring, strong, and caring.

A man who has achieved much  through hard work and his own initiative and efforts.

I, Maureen and our whole family have come to love him and welcome into our family.

I take this opportunity to say thank you to Lyn and Lepan and your whole family for participating in in raising such a wonderful partner for Katy.


All any parent wishes is that his children be happy, that is all Maureen and I hope for, that Katy and TK will make each other happy and have a happy life together.



John Condliffe

Father of the Bride Speech




This is the abridged/skeletal version of my speech given at TK and Katy’s wedding, as with any speech it changed and morphed with every practise and telling.

If you have a funny or interesting wedding story I would love to hear it!


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