Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Monday, March 16

Love, happiness and the relationship thing...

Love, happiness and the relationship thing...

There is something peculiar in our obsession with sex and our inability at the same time to talk of love. So says Jennifer Sinclair (Why are politicians to scared to talk about Love? The Age 16.3.15)

And yet sex is as available as often as you have the bank balance to pay for it, or the inclination to find it.

Love on the other hand is an elusive shadow but one in which our whole being is dependent upon.

What is love?

Is it a feeling, a chemical fix, a state of being or something else?

Whatever it is, it is something that we crave for and upon which our very self and our social relationships are maintained that much is obvious.

For it is the state of our relationships that are the defining aspect of our wellbeing, not our material or financial success.  To have the latter without the former is to be as an empty jug, a jug may look good and be decorative but it is as a holder and purveyor of liquids that it finds its true value.

Listen to a music show or a song list and the defining characteristic and story is about love how to find it, how to get over it, the sheer heart break of it. On and on it goes we love singing about it. But we rarely if ever talk about it.

Sinclaire quotes former New Zealand Prime Minister Norman Kirk as saying:

“(People) want someone to love, somewhere to live, somewhere to work and something to hope for."

What a simple but powerful reflection on life and what it means. He has caught something here which is profound and yet very simple. It is in our relationships that we find meaning and value in our lives.

It is in those around us our family and close friends that we will find what we all crave for, it is in these relationships that we will find our "happiness".

I do not pretend to have an answer but I do know that it is the loving of another and others that we are made truly happy. It is in the giving of your whole self without reserve and with true honesty that we achieve our relationship plateau.

With another it is more about you more than the “other”. In my book A Letter for My Daughters I explore this very question. It’s not easy but then anything worthwhile isn’t.

Happy Days and try to love each other a little today.

PS: Johnny Rivers sings The Mountain of Love (A lost love) Great song...

1 comment:

  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

