The Car Park Masquerading as an
A Lesson in Human Relations
Ø Go somewhere else,
Ø To drop of someone who is going
somewhere else,
Ø To pick up someone who is going
somewhere else,
For those
reasons it is a necessarily transient place, a place where the customers want
to spend as little time as possible, and where the staff’s priority is to
ensure that this is so.
The airport
knows it is the only viable exit point in this big city and also charges
accordingly. They know they have a huge monopoly and want to make the most of
what the government has gifted them. Thus their car park is one of the biggest
in the city and also the most expensive, one third of their revenue is earned
through it. They are on a winner here, Monopolies are like that.
do not care, the Federal government is rid of the responsibility to run a messy
airport and also picks up a nice rental fee. The State government is also
absolved and has little financial interest in fixing up the transport mess
despite promising for years to do just that. Laisse Faire is great everyone
wins except those pesky people who transit through the place.
But more
than this because no one has an interest in any one else really except to move
them on. Human relationships which are often based largely on self-interest cease
to function in the normal way. Thus:
Smiles are
fake, shallow and transitory,
The coffee
is universally bad,
The food is fast
and easy,
The signage
is glaring, obvious and bright,
The seats
are not built for comfort but speed,
The colour
scheme does not so much welcome you but encourages you to restlessness and
The place is stark, angular and vicious.
loudspeaker system is full of speakers of urgency, notification and demand.
staff are dressed conservatively and practically but above all are dressed for
“Them and us”
is the prevailing attitude not stated but crying out at you.
The lighting
does not reflect the passing of the day but the timelessness of a transient
artificial sub world.
Movement is
the key and all is urgent when even it is not.
The patrons
of this place have no interest in establishing even the basic contact. It is a
transient world after all and so individuals and groups act like little bits of
flotsam moving in a fast running stream. Sometimes they bump off each other but
mostly they maintain “their space” and are indignant when it is invaded.
This of
course only breaks down when there is a crisis, common cause or enemy such as;
Long, Long
Breakdown of
a system,
Then they
unite as passengers and attack the common enemy or maleficent force doing this
to “Them”. (Airline, Computer system, terrorist, or late fellow traveller) when
the crisis is over people revert to their former status.
Next time
you go to an airport look at the place and the people and think on what it
means. It may be more interesting than the destination you are going to or
But then most
of the best journeys reside within.
John and Maureen took
their daughter to the airport yesterday. She made her trip and transit through
the place successfully.
Maureen and Janice |
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