Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Thursday, February 7

A man's behaviour... or the strange case of Nancy Bacon

A man's behaviour...
 A man’s behaviour is not only governed by powerful evolutionary urges but by the situation or society he finds himself in. Thus the subsistence hunter gatherer may share his spoils from the hunt with the group, share parenting responsibilities with his sole partner and probably with other males and women within the group especially his extended family or clan.
 The suburban westerner will have one wife, 1.2 children and will be expected and expect to work, shelter and look after this family with his wife, and perhaps in laws or grandparents on the periphery. They are constrained in their relationships with women and family by the powerful forces of society, and means. Most men are constrained (or not) by their situation.

Means             n  plural           financial resources, income, resources, wealth…

Chris Rock the comedian said:           “A man is as faithful as his options."


Let us have a look at some men who were not constrained:

The thing is that if a man is rich, famous, powerful or all three his desirability to women is exponentially increased.  Thus as he gets older and more powerful his partners will paradoxically get relatively younger. Famously Paul Newman bought home the Bacon.


Nancy Bacon                           Paul Newman and wife Joanne Woodward



Miss Bacon
Why did Shari-Lea find Richard Pratt so attractive? Richard Pratt being the gentleman he was would have given her the choice. Apparently Pratt’s wife and his family knew about Shari (18year relationship) and they accepted it because in Europe where they had originated from it was almost acceptable that rich/powerful men had mistresses or other women.
Richard Pratt 


Shari-lea Hitchcock                                     

The thing is that both these men (Newman and Pratt) were attracted by other women, would have flings with other women, but remained attached and devoted to their wives. This is another advantage for the rich/powerful man, he can maintain, shelter and if need be hide and protect his other women, while at the same time maintaining a wife (or wives) and family. The rich /powerful man also has the advantage of being attractive to younger women, opportunities come looking for him, often they do not have to be sought. The poorer man does not have these opportunities but his wants are no less than the rich man.

The poor man’s wants are no less than the rich man’s only his opportunities are limited!

Excerpt from the book I am working on Daughters....Seven things I want to tell you...

Somethings are worth thinking about.


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