Day One
The daffodils are so golden in Kyneton they assault the eye begging to be looked at. Screaming to be noticed. Bursting with energy and giving the viewer an instant lift better then any caffeine shot or stimulant.

No wonder they started a festival here in honour of this magnificent little bulb. For nine months of the year it stays hidden. Just as you think you cannot stand the winter any more it bursts forth in a paroxysm of energy, colour and beauty unrivalled by any herbaceous cousin.
In 1973 to honour the flower show and the arts (not mutually exclusive) the good citizens of Kyneton started a festival called the Daffodil and Arts Festival. They have been at it ever since expanding it and making it bigger better and more exciting.

Every year they pick King, Queen Princes, and Princesses to garnish the Festival with their presence and to mark and give encouragement to the participants and community.

Given that I am a republican it kind of goes against the grain to be called a King! Actually one of my first questions was do I have to wear a crown? Yes I do. President and First lady does not have the same ring to it I suppose.

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