Kiss of the King Brown

Kiss of the King Brown
(Click the King Brown)

Saturday, February 8

The Game of Life

The Game of Life

Let us be brutal here, brutally honest –What does a women want in a man? Women are attracted to status this is what it is all about even though they may not know or acknowledge this.  We deceive ourselves in to thinking it is falling in love or it is romantic love. (There is an element of this)  In reality women are looking for high status men who can provide them with high quality offspring and the means to support them and her. I know this may be a shock to you but in biological terms this is the truth.
I repeat a woman wants:

    • a provider partner who will invest security, protection, food and care in her children

    • a high status lover who can give those children first-class genes

What do females have to do to achieve this?  Women bring to the mating game and life the

endowments they are genetically programmed for by evolution. Unlike males who have to adapt

much more to their environment and fail or succeed on their achievements in this environment.

Women basically in biological terms are endowed by nature with the equipment to get the job done.

Women have to appear youthful, (reproductive value), be attractive and act

selfishly. (On a biological level, to safeguard there well being and ability to raise offspring)

Life is a bit like the story of the sperm and the egg: This is the Game of Life.

The ovum or egg  erupts and makes its lazy protected  journey down the fallopian tube,  guided, nurtured and protected all the way. It is a very valuable asset,  rare a beautiful thing to behold.
Meanwhile if the lady chooses she has had introduced into her uterus millions of sperm. They are in a diabolical competition only one will win. For a start the acid in the womb may kill them, they do not know which fallopian tube to enter, its crazy in there they are literally killing themselves to get to that EGG. Only about ten thousand will get to the right fallopian tube, its like swimming up the Amazon River piranhas and all, many drop by the way side, exhausted damaged and spent.
But the eggs journey has released a powerful enzyme which spurs the sperm on. Their tails are going like over geared outboard motors, they are swimming the equivalent of from Perth to Rottnest Island and back, like the pier to pub on steroids. Meanwhile the egg is floating serenely to meet her mate, no effort is spared for her protection and comfort. She is the gateway of creation the most valuable asset in the human reproductive armoury. The sperm, tiny, determined and cheap are still there in there  thousands still making prodigious efforts and sacrifice's to get to her.
They meet, the sperm literally throw themselves at the egg trying to get into her over a hundred will die in the attempt, even though the EGG has released another enzyme to make it easier for them to piece her outer layer. Its crazy, sperm are killing themselves against that outer wall to get in. The ultimate goal is life itself the very genesis of creation is within their grasp, the egg is urging them on (Enzymes) For it two is in the game of life there is no tomorrow. Well not unless the woman has let another batch of sperm into her uterus which is possible ,  women are more open to sexual adventures at this time in their cycle (That is a topic for another time). The egg may get another chance, but for the sperm this is it they are on deaths door. They have to do it they only have this one chance. A lucky sperm finally gets through literally swimming over the dead bodies of its companions, its like winning the lottery , like tripping over a golden nugget in Bendigo, like climbing Mount Everest. It has won the greatest prize of all-LIFE.

When the EGG and sperm combine its like New years Eve in Sydney fireworks and horns are going off everywhere. Powerful chemicals instantly close out the other sperm they are no longer wanted lost and unloved they die and are no more to be thought off.They were only cheap and tiny players in the Game of Life-disposable.
The EGG and sperm united become a zygote and are give all the support the women's body can muster. Eventually they lodge in the lining of the uterus, the endometrium,  its like floating down into a giant feather bed. There its is given the very best of chances the choicest  blood and nutrients that a body can produce. And in forty weeks a baby is born.

Such is the story of the sperm and the egg, which parallels the story of men and women. this is the Game of Life.

You have all heard the sperm jokes which go something like this:

Q: What do lawyers and sperm have in common?
A: One in 1,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

Apologies to lawyers. As go the Lawyer so is the male who does not make it. That is the Game of Life.

We are the end product of millions of years of evolution, our ancestors modern humans only appeared only about two hundred thousand years ago. If human evolution was like a potato modern humans would be the skin. Civilisations have been around even a shorter time. Sumer the first recorded civilisation developed in Mesopotamia just over seven thousand years ago. Modern history has only been around for just over two thousand years. Two thousand years ago the Romans were at their height, gladiators died in the Colosseum, China was still building its great wall, the  native Americans were building pyramids to the gods,  and the Parthians’ had invented armoured horsemen in the middle east. Before all that our fore-fathers were hunter gatherers. Men were out hunting and fighting, while the women and children did the gathering and the nurturing. If Generations were counted of about thirty years each since anatomically modern humans appeared there would be less than seven thousand.

We are psychological fossils, the result of countless years of adaption and selection in the quest for survival. For evolution does not play out in a vacuum. Climate, topography, food supply, competing animals and other rival humans all have played their part in shaping us.  There is no better gender, no preferred gender, no more enlightened or special sex, no gender that is more entitled than the other. We are equal but different, we are nature’s gift to each other.
We are all in The Game Of Life.

John Condliffe

John is doing research on his new book -Sons.

For Further Info check out:

[i] Med Library. 2013. Anatomically Modern Humans. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 January 14]

The Women Racket by Steve Moxon   2008


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